"Senator Barack Obama has reportedly raised a record $32.5 million for his campaign, making him the most caked up Democratic candidate. According to the Associated Press, Hillary Clinton, currently only has roughly $27 million, which gives Obama a nice little "money talks" cushion coming into the 2008 election."
I'm considering joining the political race. Although my background is a little non-existent, its better than the candidates who lie and cover up their shady backgrounds. That of course does not reflect my opinion on Barack, I think hes a gentleman, of course. I am a little ashamed to admit, but I may have fallen into the "Ron Paul 08" campaign. Hes a very intelligent man who looks at the facts and holds the government and people above himself. He also doesn't partake in the "Shower me with money, I'm a candidate" conventions. But enough of my slobbering, this goes out to you Obama, for proving any man can raise millions of dollars, as long as he makes promises we hope he will keep.